Drive new business with Impacked.

Impacked is the online marketplace built specifically for primary packaging. Launch your branded storefront on Impacked to instantly build your online presence and reach more customers, at a low cost.

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Impacked PackagingImpacked PackagingImpacked PackagingImpacked Packaging
Impacked Packaging
Why use Impacked?
Impacked Packaging
Reach more buyers, faster
Advanced search and filter functionality leads buyers to you to browse your catalog, capabilities, latest innovations, and branded storefront.
Impacked Packaging
Save on sales & marketing spend
Reduce high third-party commission fees and trade show costs by connecting directly with buyers online.
Impacked Packaging
Boost productivity
Stop wasting time looking for emails and forms! All customer requests are routed to your personal workflow portal, where you can view and track them - all in one place.
Showcase your sustainability initiatives and innovations to customers seeking eco-friendly packaging
Every component listed is scored across seven sustainability criteria to showcase the work you're doing to provide brands with more sustainable options.
Impacked Packaging
Recycle Ready
Recycled Content
Bio-Based Material
Refill Ready
Transport Distance
Material Efficiency
Launch your storefront on Impacked in one month or less.
Share Your Catalog
Send us your catalog and capabilities in whatever form they exist. We'll take it from there.
We Build Your Storefront
Impacked organizes your catalog data and optimizes it for SEO, creates digital content, and builds your branded storefront.
Together We Go Live
Your storefront gets published to Impacked along with all major search engines. Getting discovered by customers online has never been easier.
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Trusted by our industry's leading suppliers, including:
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Impacked together?